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    Be the first to read the Passion intersect issue

    Join The Passion Intersect Journal to receive every Sunday morning insights and real life lessons from me building a multi- passion one-person business to $1M in revenue.

      How I create 21 pieces of content in 3h per week



      Content Creation

      Content Creation

      Content Creation

      The best strategy I have ever followed to upgrade my level of writing was WRITING…

      Yes, it might be surprising that this strategy sounds so simple, yet many aren’t using it.

      Are you writing every day? If not, why not?

      Lack of time? Humm, I don’t think so.

      Lack of systems? Humm, maybe.

      Stop looking for a new tactic every two days but instead, focus and commit to writing every single day. No fucking excuses.

      Writing 21 pieces of content in 3 hours wasn’t always like that.

      It was the double, sometimes more. But that’s because I’m stubborn and always want to try things independently.

      You can avoid that and jump right into the right mindset to achieve this level. Hell, you might even be way ahead of me.

      The truth is it comes down to your content creation workflow.

      Why Efficient Content Creation Matters

      Generating a large volume can hurt your quality. To reach quality, you need quantity.

      I’m in the middle of a dip where I feel my level stagnated or regressed.

      I’m building up a new habit, which takes time. In fact. In Lally's study, it took anywhere from 18 days to 254 days for people to form a new habit.

      What’s this new habit?

      1 Newsletter

      10 x Long-form X (Tweets)

      10 x Regular X Posts (Tweets)

      BUT, I’m raising my standards to a higher level.

      I wanna conduct more research to try and write “ah-ha” content.

      Avoid the Productivity Trap

      If you’re a beginner, the easiest way to overwhelm yourself is to try 10 different productivity hacks. Screw them all.

      The best productivity hack is no productivity hack. (In the beginning.)

      Just keep ONE thing in mind.

      It’s better to build your habits on good foundations.

      The best analogy I can give is learning how to shoot a basketball.

      If you learn to shoot with a broken form, you’ll make some shots, but you’ll suck.

      And relearning a new form is HARD. Instead, watching tutorials on WHAT IS a good form and HOW TO practice with good form would be wiser.

      The same thing applies to writing and content creation as a whole.

      If you form a habit on bad foundations, it would be hard and frustrating to relearn again.

      So what are those good foundations?

      Good question. Let’s explore them.

      The Foundations for Effective Writing Habits

      By the way, I hated reading and writing until two years ago. 

      What changed? I can’t tell, but it was an excellent self-discovery journey.

      The first thing I looked up was, “how to become a good writer when you hate writing?”

      You might ask, why did you want to become a good writer if you hate writing? Again, Great question. The reason is simple. Writing is one of the best skills you can have on the planet.

      Everything starts with written words. So, my mission became clear. I wanted to become a good writer by any means necessary to share my thoughts with the world.

      While doing my research, I encountered a recurrent problem beginner writers often face: “lack of confidence.” Even if I knew my writing wasn’t the best, I knew I would become better. Quitting wasn’t an option for me. So, sucking was already part of the plan, and I just wanted to get done with it asap.

      1) Have The Right Mindset

      It’s ok to acknowledge that your writing sucks, but believing you’ll suck forever is not ok. Having the right mindset is THE foundation for building effective writing habits.

      Sure, others are better than you and me. But who cares?

      I compete with myself and know I’m improving every day.

      That’s what matters the most to me.

      2) Eradicate Any Productivity Hack

      I’m telling you, productivity hacks are bullshit if you wanna get better at writing in the beginner stage. Giving yourself “30 minutes” to write as much as possible is good. I don’t deny that. But not for beginners. To produce high-quality content, you can’t rush creativity. 

      Productivity and creativity don’t go well together. Therefore, write for as much as possible without constraint for at least two months before you start putting on Timers.

      It pisses me off when “experienced writers” suggest that you write in sprints. I can assure you the majority of them didn’t do it when they started.

      3) What Works for Them Might not Work for you

      This is a strong foundation for avoiding comparison. 

      You must try things for yourself and learn to listen to your body and brain. 

      How do you function?

      What works for you?

      What doesn’t work for you?

      What do you enjoy writing about?

      What don’t you enjoy writing about?

      It’s about you. So when you see/read a writing or content creation strategy from a creator, and you get all hyped up, remember that it could not work for you. Don’t get discouraged, and blame yourself. You just didn’t find what you were looking for yet.

      The same applies to what you’re reading here. 

      Don’t expect it to be your miraculous strategy (it could be.)

      I like to teach the thinking behind my strategies so that you can think for YOURSELF and build your own workflow.

      Streamlining Your Workflow: The Step-by-Step Method

      My workflow is quite simple.

      I tried many in the past, and here I am sharing what works for me today. I dumped every tactic to do more of what was working for ME.

      My highest-performing tweets (Xs) are long-form. Therefore, I’m doubling down on them.

      On top of that, they’re my favorite's to write.

      Step 1: Write My Newsletter

      My newsletter is the backbone of my content. It is the reason my writing evolved tremendously.

      I don’t sweat. It took me 2-4h with 45 minutes sprints to write my newsletter before. Now, it takes me between 1h to 2h (3,000 words on average).

      Sometimes, I spend 45 minutes for two days straight.

      And sometimes, I write it entirely in 1 session. (This one was in 2 sessions)

      Step 2: Extract Tweets

      After writing my newsletter, I easily extract 5 to 10 tweets from my newsletter—straight copy/paste. I aim for 10.

      Step 3: Write Long-Form Post

      I ask ChatGPT to give me ten prompts based on my newsletter, and I answer them with a long-form tweet.

      Here are ten prompts based on one of my previous newsletters, “Don't Pick A Niche If You Want To Build An Audience In 2023 (The Anti-Niche Philosophy)”:

      The Prompt: 

      I wrote a newsletter about my philosophy of anti-niching. I will paste the newsletter into 3 messages to avoid the characters limit. After each message, answer "got it proceed to the next one" UNTIL I say "Go ahead and give me 10 prompts based on my newsletter" to answer. Respond "Understood" if you got it.

      Prompt 1: In your newsletter, you discussed the challenges of feeling compelled to talk about one thing and the importance of enjoying the content you create. How did you overcome the pressure to niche down and decide to let the niche pick you instead? How has this decision positively impacted your content creation journey?

      Prompt 2: The concept of the "dip" is often used to motivate individuals during tough times, but you highlighted the need for critical thinking when facing challenges. How did you navigate through difficult periods in your content creation journey, and how did your genuine passion for your content help you overcome obstacles?

      Prompt 3: You listed all your interests and passions and began sharing your perspectives on various topics. How has this multi-dimensional approach to content creation allowed you to connect with a diverse audience that resonates with your unique experiences and perspectives?

      Prompt 4: As you emphasized, people don't always need to learn new things but rather be reminded of what they already know. How do you infuse your unique perspective into your content, making it compelling for your audience, and what strategies do you use to keep your perspective fresh and engaging?

      Prompt 5: You mentioned that your niche is YOU, and there won't be another Imed creating the same content as you. How has embracing your authentic self and unique experiences in your content creation allowed you to stand out and attract a dedicated audience that relates to your personal brand?

      Prompt 6: The idea of content creation without a niche may be unconventional in the online world. How do you address any skepticism or doubts from others who advocate for traditional niche-based strategies? How has staying true to your approach proven its effectiveness in building a genuine and engaged community?

      Prompt 7: As your content covers diverse topics like personal branding, passion pursuit, lifestyle design, human potential, and the creator economy, how do you ensure cohesion and consistency in your content despite its broad range? How do you tie these different topics together under the umbrella of your unique perspective?

      Prompt 8: You mentioned that you never thought people would read your newsletter, but they did. How did you feel when you realized that your content resonated with an audience? How did this positive reception motivate you to continue creating without a niche?

      Prompt 9: In the last part of your newsletter, you teased the topic of creating content without a niche for the next edition. Can you share a sneak peek of what readers can expect in that newsletter and how it will provide value to your audience?

      Prompt 10: Reflecting on your content creation journey so far, how has the transition from feeling pressured to niche down to embracing the anti-niche philosophy changed your perspective on personal branding and content creation? What advice would you give to aspiring content creators struggling with the decision to pick a niche or let the niche pick them?

      Those are 10 prompts solely based on my newsletter. 

      Do you understand how powerful this is?

      I’ll take 1h to answer as many as I can. Usually, I can come up with 8-10 in 1 hour. I don’t mind spending more time polishing them.

      But for the sake of this newsletter, I showed you how it’s possible to create 21 valuable pieces of content in only 3h. Because remember, it all starts with your high-quality newsletter issue.

      Everything that comes from it would be high-quality.

      Don’t expect to achieve it in 3h of work for your first time trying it.

      If you enjoyed this newsletter, you’d LOVE the course I’m currently building (I don’t have a name yet.)  You will learn how to develop holistic creativity and create endless content to build your personal brand without a niche and sacrificing your values.

      21 people have already put their trust in me. You can join them on my waitlist to benefit from a 45% discount when I release the course (in two months.)

      Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your day.

      - Imed

      Better Thinking, Better Doing.

      Exploring the intersection of passions and

      business as a multi-passionate looking to

      become full-time content creator.

      © All Rights Reserved.

      Join The Passion Intersect Journal to receive

      every Sunday morning insights and real-life

      lessons from me building a multi-passion one-

      person business to $1M in revenue.

      Better Thinking, Better Doing.

      Exploring the intersection of passions and business as a multi-passionate looking to become a full-time content creator.

      © All Rights Reserved.

      Join The Passion Intersect Journal to receive every Sunday morning insight and real-life lessons from me building a multi-passion one-person business to $1M in revenue.

        Better Thinking, Better Doing.

        Exploring the intersection of passions and business as a multi-passionate looking to become a full-time content creator.

        © All Rights Reserved.

        Join The Passion Intersect Journal to receive every Sunday morning insight and real-life lessons from me building a multi-passion one-person business to $1M in revenue.